Lisa Stenger, Inspirational Women's Ministry Speaker and Writer

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Peace Blessing

“Those who love your instructions have great peace and do not stumble.” Psalm 119:165

There's something incredibly heartwarming about witnessing the joy that lights up a child's face when they receive a thoughtful gift. It's as if the gift serves as a reminder that their desires matter and that someone truly cares about fulfilling them. Perhaps they accomplished something that left even themselves and anyone witnessing their remarkable achievement in awe. Or just spending quality time playing with a parent or grandparent and hearing them say, "I love playing..." because they cherish the time spent together.

These moments bring joy to children at any stage of life. Adults' actions have a significant impact on children's self-worth.

We were on a family camping trip with our granddaughter, Makenna. It was early in the morning, and we were sitting by the campfire. The breeze was blowing, and the creek flowed rapidly from the rain the night before. The birds were chirping, and a bright, beautiful butterfly fluttered around a purple clover. Makenna had finished her breakfast: a pop tart, a banana, and a refreshing glass of juice.

Makenna was sitting sideways on the chair, her arms folded behind her head and her legs dangling over the arm on the other side. I observed her looking up through the trees into the sky above. I could tell she was in a moment of contentment, and I felt pleasure just being part of her moment alongside her. She then said, "Mimi." "Yes," I replied. She finished with, "I love camping," with a big smile and a peaceful look. I responded with, "Oh, that makes Mimi happy." We shared an equal amount of peace. I felt so grateful for this moment and praised God.

“The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” Psalm 29:11

Over the past five months, this courageous three-year-old has bravely faced a series of overwhelming and highly stressful situations. She has undergone her third open-heart surgery, transitioned to a new home, and navigated significant life changes that would challenge even the strongest of individuals. Throughout it all, our family's unwavering faith and trust in the Lord have been a source of strength, leading to moments of answered prayer during these difficult times.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

"When everything feels lost, we gain by trusting in Christ Jesus. When the world proves untrustworthy, we find trust in God. When we feel unloved, we have the unconditional love of our Creator and Savior, who sacrificed all for us. When there is unrest, God gifts us peace, even if only for a moment, as he did for Makenna on the morning of the campfire.


I lift my voice to your splendor, Lord! You are all-powerful and majestic at the same time. Glory and honor are yours. I find strength and purpose through your Spirit. I am given the gift of peace, trusting that all I am and have is in your mighty hands. In Jesus' name, Amen!