Lisa Stenger, Inspirational Women's Ministry Speaker and Writer

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Positive Impact

Leading by Example with Godly Influence.

1971: Lisa with great-grandmother Rose.

My father recently gave me a handful of photographs. The photos made me reflect on the impact of our ancestors on our family. There's nothing quite like the love of a grandparent. Some of us may never have the privilege of knowing our grandparents, let alone our great-grandparents. I had the honor of knowing my great-grandmother, Rose. My great-grandmother, Rose, passed away when I was eight years old. In my younger years, I remember her greeting me with a painful double-handed pinch on the cheeks and saying, "She is so cute!" Then, she would bid me farewell with a kiss, her wiry whiskers poking into my youthful skin. She adored showering her grandchildren and great-grandchildren with love and affection.

When I visited her at the senior living home, I used to play the piano for the seniors in the common area when I was six years old. She would be so proud to flaunt her guests with the residents. I recall a little display of my primary Yankee Doodle and B-I-N-G-O on piano. The residents would all applaud and request an encore, which made my little fingers proud to play another memorized beginner piece.

My mother bore a heavy responsibility for caring for her four younger siblings. Sometimes, she would tell her mother that her grandmother needed help as an excuse to go out. She would then spend time with her cousins while her grandmother played the piano and shared her favorite pieces of music with her. My mother’s love for playing the piano comes from her grandmother, Rose. My great-grandparents had eight children, all of whom were skilled in singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments. Family gatherings always involved time around the piano, with everyone else singing and dancing to the music.

My great-grandmother had a significant influence on her children and grandchildren. She demonstrated and shared a love that made them feel welcome at any time and showed them love in various ways. My mother often sought comfort and safety by visiting her during difficult days. Even three generations later, our family still loves music and shows the same affection that was shown to our mother. We continue to receive wisdom and understanding from a great-grandmother who was a positive and faithful influence on her family.

Rose’s second son, William “Bill” Sailer, became a pastor of a large Philadelphia church and led the boys’ choir. Brothers Ed and Charles also performed alongside famous people on TV and radio. Ed was a talented tap dancer, often compared to Fred Astaire. Rose’s children had a strong foundation of faith inspired by her example. They each passed down their beliefs to future generations. My mother also used to speak of the power of prayer, which she learned from her grandmother, Rose.

1952: Great-grandmother Rose playing piano, Grandfather Joe, Uncle Ed & daughter-in-law Jayne singing along.

Who has been a powerful influence in your life?

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:5-6 (ESV)

Rose was born in 1886, and she named her first daughter Rose. Many of my cousins' middle names are Rose, including mine. My granddaughter, Makenna Rose, continues to carry the name 138 years later. When you ask Makenna for her name, it is precious that she replies in full, "Makenna Rose," not just "Makenna." It's a name she can be proud to have and reflect on.

Remember that God wants you to know how excellent your creator's plans are for you. You are chosen and precious to God. God purposefully places people in your life to encourage and love you and for you to offer it in return.

Who has God surrounded you with to be a Godly influence?

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35 (NIV)



You choose me and celebrate who I am. I invite you to occupy space in my heart and mind. I accept your call because I know it is essential to you. I understand that my influence on others and sense of priority to put you first in my life will significantly impact those around me. You have equipped me with all I need. Use me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!