Lisa Stenger, Inspirational Women's Ministry Speaker and Writer

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“Selah” Pause and Reflect

Have you ever taken time to pause with no distractions for the purpose to be alone and hope to hear God’s voice?

Do you find it difficult to spend time in seclusion? Why do you think that is?

Each word in the bible is God breathed and orchestrated. So why not take the Hebrew word, “Selah” seriously. The meaning of the word is not known. It may be a musical notation or text, meaning "stop and listen or pause and reflect.” Why is this so important? You can lose focus if you don’t pause and reflect!

You may already be doing this. How about when you are preparing for a task that you will need quiet to concentrate. Maybe you escape to a cabin getaway to recharge after a week of hard work.  Perhaps you are a runner and when you struggle with something, that helps you work through it in a physical way. What about times of distress, and you get in your car and turn on the music and listen to the lyrics with just a little more attention and then there it is, one word or verse that hits home! Or maybe you find time alone because you just want to focus on prayer. Whatever the reason, finding opportunities to pause help’s us hear God’s voice. It may be just a few moments or maybe it’s a long hike in the woods.

Every October our church organizes a women’s retreat weekend away. As I draw closer to the time for retreat, I get all warm and fuzzy inside just thinking about it. Sure, I enjoy spending time with the ladies, having laughs, growing spiritually, and eating lots of delicious food. However, what really gets me on fire, is the time alone with my heavenly Father. I kick off by leaving hours before and plan my route where I may sidetrack to a park somewhere along the way to prepare my heart before I arrive at a building full of ladies and distractions. Then the exhilaration starts Saturday morning. I get the butterflies just thinking about it all morning, like a child waiting for their parents to wake up Christmas morning to open gifts. I just can’t wait for afternoon to spend time hiking alone in the woods by myself, with bible and notebook in hand. I know God is as excited as I am. He never fails me, every time I sit in quiet, he speaks to me. When I pause, stop, and listen, even without reading the bible, he whispers words or places visions in my thoughts. I love my time with him. I sometimes can’t wait to head back and tell the ladies what happened. Sometimes I realize it is just between him and me. Then I go home and reflect on it. I cherish this intimate time with him.

James 1:19 (NIV) - “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry...”

Ecclesiastes 3:7 (NIV) - “a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,”

We are directed to continue to trust in God, even during difficult times. We are encouraged to contemplate our difficult circumstances as "joy," because trials are how we are drawn to God who strengthens our faith.

Jesus demonstrates the importance of stopping and listening several times in scripture.  These are just a few times he chose solitude rather than surround himself with people.

·         Matthew 14:13a. - “When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place.”

When Jesus learned that his cousin John the Baptist had been beheaded, he left to be alone. The kicker is even amid his grief, if you continue through the verses that follow in Matthew 14, even when he went to be alone, people still followed Jesus and he stopped to feed them all! When I’m grieving, I don’t even want to answer the phone, let alone feed five thousand.

·         Mark 6:30-32 – “The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught.  Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. So, they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.”

After feeding five thousand people, the apostles didn’t even eat themselves. Jesus shows the apostles the need to rest in a quiet place to reflect and recharge.

·         Luke 5:16 - “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

·         Luke 22:41 - He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, …

In the book of Luke, we read how Jesus often found places to be alone and pray, even in preparation of calling on his first disciples. These were big discissions folks, and Jesus stopped and prayed. Jesus would find time alone with his father on the Mount of Olives hours before he was to be arrested. In emotional agony, Jesus was on his knees crying out to the same Father we seek.

·         Exodus 14:14 - “The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

So, what’s keeping you from being intentional about some time alone to stop and listen to your loving Father? If the fear of your heart or sin stands in the way, PAUSE, and remember, that God is your protector, Grace giver, your mighty warrior. Pause and concentrate on the truth of God and REFLECT on what you hear!