Forget Me Not
Your name is etched on the Lord's heart.
“Do not let me fall by the way when I am old. Do not leave me alone when my strength is gone.” (Psalm 71:9 NLV)
Picture taken by Lisa Stenger (Wild Forget Me Not Flower, Promised Land State Park, PA.)
Seven years ago, I found myself in the company of my son and his fiancée, realizing that their lives were about to intertwine and change forever. It dawned on me that my son would soon prioritize his wife above all else, and together, they would embark on the journey of creating new traditions independent of our families. I made sure to convey to them my hope that they wouldn't feel compelled by old norms and that they would pave their own path. All I asked was that they remember us in their new adventure. We assured them we wouldn't be the type of parents to make them feel guilty for missing a family gathering or pressured on how to spend their holidays. We promised to support them just as we always have, never hesitating to ask for help in a time of need, taking a back seat, and understanding our place as parents. Inside, I couldn’t help but feel sadness for the cherished place my son occupied in my heart. I knew I would miss the moments that would no longer be in this new season of life.
This is the moment we have been preparing our child for throughout the years. We are witnessing him spread his wings, embracing a new chapter in life that offers a myriad of choices. No longer as individuals but as one unit, together. Figuring out what that looks like, navigating through life’s experiences. It filled us with immense joy knowing that we had guided him through the challenges and the triumphs to prepare him for this relationship, humbly exposing our own shortcomings. As parents, our deepest wish is to be able to let go and yet remain an unforgettable part of his life's journey. As I age, I desire to be remembered by my adult children. I welcome their wisdom and hope they have my best interests at heart, as I do theirs. After all, they will determine the type of care I receive when my hair is gray, and all my strength is gone.
As we journey through different stages of life, we yearn for our loved ones to keep us in their thoughts. We seek lasting bonds with family and friends, especially as we grow older. Our family holds even greater significance with age, and maintaining friendships requires deliberate effort to sustain those connections. We find that we call upon the Lord more than we ever have. As your family multiplies, so do your prayers.
The Lord longs for us to maintain a close and meaningful relationship with Him intentionally. He doesn't want to be forgotten or overlooked. Our creator yearns for our daily intimate time together, not just when we need his intervention. Thankfully, the Lord never rejects or abandons those whom He has known from the beginning. They are close to His heart, inscribed on the palms of His hands, and will never be separated from His love. Even when we have unintentionally overlooked our intimate relationship.
What does your intimate relationship look like with your savior, Jesus Christ?
“Do not let me fall by the way when I am old. Do not leave me alone when my strength is gone.” Psalm 71:9
In Psalm 71, the author, David, prays never to be ashamed of his dependence upon God. He humbly seeks our assistance, understanding that the world may not offer ease or comfort. David recognizes that those who hold the Lord dear often face hatred and persecution, but he takes solace in the Lord, drawing strength from Him.
I am never ashamed of relying on God for help! Trying to rely on my own strength or figure things out on my own, inhuman strength, can never compare to relying on the strength of the One who created all things.
Where does your hope come from?
As God's devoted servant, I take comfort in knowing He will not reject me as I grow old or abandon me when my strength diminishes. I don’t know about you, but I need divine intervention when something is beyond my capabilities. Which is why it is even more important that I do not forget or reject God.
What daily practices are you engaging in to stay connected to God?
”Meanwhile, my job is to remember my calling. “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” 2 Peter 1:3
Apostle Peter offers a final challenge in his farewell speech (2 Peter 1). He emphasizes that through Jesus, God has invited us to participate in his divine Spirit and share in His everlasting life and love. This requires faithfulness to demonstrate seven character traits such as goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, and godliness. Demonstrating love for others is significant as it requires a commitment to the welfare of others without considering the personal sacrifice involved while also partaking in God's divine life.
Where are you directing your purposeful attention at this moment?
The divine calling we have received involves living an honorable life and accessing the splendid power of Jesus through scripture. Our understanding of Jesus goes beyond mere intellectual knowledge; it includes spiritual experiences that allow us to discover and appreciate the precious depths of God's grace and righteousness in Christ.