Christian Blogger, Speaker, and Writer

Empowering people to embrace
their true selves as God created them to be.

Hi, I’m Lisa Stenger. I'm a Child of God who is also a wife, mom, grandmother, daughter, Bible study teacher, speaker, and writer, to list a few. It’s no wonder I can’t fall asleep until 2:00 a.m.

I am inspired by all of God’s creation surrounding me through family and friendships, sunrises, landscapes, birds, and outside sounds. “Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them.”  Psalm 111:2 (ESV)

I have lived in Bucks County, Pennsylvania for most of my life. I have been married to my husband Howard, a native of Versailles, Indiana, for over 29 years. We have two adult sons, Jonathan and Christopher. Jonathan’s beautiful daughter, Makenna Rose brings great joy to our growing family. I enjoy spending time with family, boating, and camping. I better not forget our sweet doggie, Marcie, and adventurous cat, Pikachu. I enjoy my quiet time and time spent alone in God’s word, especially outdoors. My happy place is the northern tip of Lake George in New York. I feel most recharged in those quiet moments of reflection and learning.

I am driven by a strong passion to serve and support others, using the experiences that God has granted me on my life's journey. I continue to follow God's guidance wherever I am called. My life has been shaped by various experiences that have led me in different directions, shaping the tapestry of my life. My thirst for knowledge and determination to turn information and needs into action have shaped the paths I've taken in life.

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

In my early 20s, I started a local support and activity group for young children with learning disabilities, including a speaker support group for parents. I have experience in non-profit administration and am a Certified Family Life Educator. I began as an Educational Parenting Facilitator and later became the Director of the Upper Bucks Parenting Center, which served three area school districts. This role led me to train in Juvenile Justice Restorative Practice for circle facilitation, working with first-time offenders, their parents, victims, and community members.

As my children’s needs changed, I transitioned to part-time work at the Pearl S. Buck House as their event and volunteer coordinator. Pearl S. Buck wrote “The Good Earth” and many other books, and I am fortunate to have the historical property just a short distance from my home.

My strong desire to share my faith with children led me to volunteer for several years, assisting and teaching in the ministries at my participating churches, which involved primary children, youth, and young adults. Additionally, I have a passion for women’s ministry, and I take immense pleasure in facilitating and leading Women’s Bible studies and helping organize women’s events and retreats.

In addition to my community involvement, I volunteered for several years as a Certified Family Educational Facilitator for the Pennsylvania Recovery Organization-Achieving Community Together (Pro-Act) under the Bucks County Drug & Alcohol Council. Here, I played a part in supporting pathways to recovery and helping people embrace recovery from addiction. I also opened two Nar-Anon 12-step addiction support group meetings in my community for family members of those who have loved ones struggling with or have had a history of addiction.

I work as a writer and speaker for retreats and small groups. I am available to speak at your next event. For more information, please visit

Lisa and Howard Stenger - True Reflection Women's Bible Study - Christian Author, Blogger, Author

Lisa and Howard Stenger

Lisa and son’s Jonathan & Christopher


Pickachu, Family Cat

Marcie, Family Dog

But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.”

- Ruth 1:16 NIV