Coming Soon! True Reflection: Women’s Bible Study

True Reflection
Book Reviews

“God really used the True Reflection study to speak to me. I have a clearer idea after the weekend retreat of what I need to do to trust God fully in difficult situations. I feel a great deal of peace. ” Katie

“This study helped me think about things I normally don’t or want to avoid. I was feeling emotions related to the topics and the lessons helped me resolve some of those feelings. I think God has goals in mind for me that I need to work towards.” Anonymous

”I really enjoyed the quiet time exercise focusing on the journey of Moses’ and his insecurities. I can relate and the scriptures helped me identify and name those I need to work through.” Sarah

”After this study I will remember how God uses me where I’m at and has made me for a specific purpose and loves me unconditionally. I want to take these truths of who God says I am to heart and share this message with other women.” Kendra

”The sessions stretched me by looking more at the things I may still be holding on to. The study allowed me to begin to change my mindset as who I am in God. God used Moses in his weakness and he can use us too! The self-assessments was a great way to learn more about myself and who I am as God’s child.” Amanda

”I loved the connection with other women, the growth through the session lessons and the journey I took with God. I will remember that God created me for a reason. God believes in me, loves me and I should respect myself and love myself more as I can use my life to serve God. After working on the “Quiet Time with God” homework and self-assessments, the ability to make those connections of self-awareness and journey of why God has a plan for me is eye opening.” Natalie

“After this study I will have much to continue to reflect on in leaning into trusting the Lord more fully. Going into the study I was feeling lost in my spiritual walk. Now I feel like through this study God is showing me the way. Thank you!” Laura

The way God sees us through scripture.

Your value and self-worth scripture cards.

Can be printed on template for Avery 5371 printer sheets.

Discover Your Unique God-Given Strengths & Weaknesses.

Are you a Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, or Beaver?

This resource accompanies the True Reflection (Women’s Bible Study).

Having difficulty making a BIG decision?

Use this bookmark for reference. These 5 steps can help you align your decisions with God’s compass. Free download.

Women’s Event Vision Board

Download this free Women’s Event Vision Form to help your planning team with your next ministry event.