Let’s work together!

Christian Speaker

Learn about services.

  • Keynote Speaker for Youth / Young Adult / Women’s Ministry

    • True Reflection Study: Your choice of 3 or 4 Sessions (Includes guidance to help you organize a follow-up one day event for session 4 & 5 if needed.)

    • Focus Topic of your Choice

  • Youth/Young Adults/Women’s Ministry

    • True Reflection: 3 Session All Day Event

    • Focus Topic of your choice.

    • Conference Workshops.

    • Webinar or Zoom conversations or training.

    • Radio talk / Virtual Events

    • Community event support.

One Day Event
2 Sessions

“You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.” Song of Solomon 4:7

There are times when we fall for the lies spread by our enemies, which can affect our confidence and self-esteem. During these moments, it's important to reconnect with our Creator and rediscover our purpose and value in Him. This journey of recognizing and embracing our identity in Christ gives us the strength to overcome the falsehoods that try to trap us. Discover that you are inherently lovable, valuable, and worthy no matter how you see yourself. You are altogether beautiful!

Weekend Retreat
3 or 4 Sessions

Learn how God performs the impossible through the journey of Moses. When he feels inadequate, God shows up and makes what Moses saw as impossible possible.

We will learn how worthy we are of God’s love and attention. We hold great purpose in this life we are living. Discover where your core belief system comes from. Explore God’s truth and plans for you. Restore what the enemy has stolen, and don’t let the past define the lies you believe. Let God’s goodness shine through you. Lift your eyes up and move forward to your true self.


How Do We See Ourselves

Your Core Belief: Who I Am in Christ Jesus


Who Does God Say We Are and Believing It

Exploring God’s Word and Truth 


Becoming Spiritually Free of Lies & Labels

Reinforcing the Truth & God’s Plan for You 


Beloved Breakthrough to Purposefulness

Letting Go Towards Transformation

Workshops &
Spiritual Support

I am driven by a passion to serve and support others. Throughout my life's journey, I have gained diverse experiences. Currently, my focus in facilitation lies in guiding others to recognize their valuable identity in Christ Jesus and to understand that we all have a purpose based on our core beliefs. The True Reflection curriculum can be adapted to suit your specific needs, and I am also open to creating custom content tailored to your group or audience. With a background as a Family Educator and experience in youth, young adult, and women's ministries, as well as recovery programs, I am well-equipped to assist you with your upcoming ministry event.

  • Conference Workshops.

  • Webinar or Zoom conversations or training.

  • Radio talk / Virtual Events

  • Community event support.

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together?
Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly!
We can't wait to hear from you!