The Lord’s Majestic Voice
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
– Isaiah 30:21
Have you ever experienced an emotional boldness spread within your inner being? It could be God filling you with his Holy Spirit awakening something in you.
“Carrying out plans…with heaping sin upon sin,” (Isiah 30:1). Why do we choose to bring shame on ourselves, take advantage of God’s leading of his Holy Spirit? Our lives are full of ups and downs, twists and turns and undesired roadblocks. When we desire to do good, there are rebellious, deceitful people whose help is utterly useless. They tell us pleasant things to give us the illusion of the direction we should go. Our path becomes rocky and self-pleasing where we stumble and fall. Those who have misguided us and enticed us will flee and suddenly have abandoned us as we are mercilessly shattered.
We cry out to the Lord for help! When all seemed to have discarded us, God is there graciously waiting. The Lord’s majestic voice will answer you. His Spirit will ignite a spark in you and remind you of his perfect and pleasing ways. Your heart will rejoice, and you will sing and celebrate that you are in his presence once again. The deep and wide breath of God’s forgiveness is an overwhelming stroke in your heart.
Your heart becomes clear of the mess that took up space in it. The false consuming recognition of where you came becomes an invitational place. An emotional boldness spreads to your inner core self. It is then that God speaks, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21b) Your distress has gone, and you are suddenly filled with an awakening that brings clarity. God has given us his word in the form of the Bible to help redirect us towards his son Jesus and a better way to serving with purpose.