Emily Washak - True Reflection Illustrator

Illustrator of True Reflections

 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10

True Reflection illustrator Emily Washak

Emily is a full-time lead preschool teacher. Each day, she introduces something new to her class of 3- and 4-year-olds. She graduated from Bucks County College in Pennsylvania and is currently a full-time student at Drexel University, majoring in Early Education and working towards her master’s degree. She is a talented artist and a book lover. In her free time, you will find her reading a book, creating art, or mastering a new craft.

Emily's journey is one of adversity and inspiration. She grew up in a turbulent environment -- a broken home marked by division parenting and emotional abuse, in an itinerant household. As an adult child of a fractured and sometimes toxic home, the first step in healing is accepting and creating healthy and safe boundaries.

Emily's childhood was defined by her academic and artistic pursuits. Her dedication to her studies and her art was rewarded with full scholarships for her continuing education. Her artistic talent, a reflection of her resilience and creativity, is evident in her beautiful artwork. This creative expression not only allowed her to share her unique perspective with the world but also played a significant role in her healing process, as she was commissioned to create artwork for the True Reflection Women's Bible Study.

Every gift is from God. 

"We all have different talents and
God-given gifts,
but they are all important
and can be used for God's kingdom."

James 1:17