Lay Down Your Load

Lake Chaplain, New York (Mount Defiance) Photo taken by Lisa Stenger

What areas of your past do you carry with you in life?

·         Bullies/Mean girl talk

·         Criticism (Self & Others)

·         Guilt

·         Past mistakes / Shame

·         Past relationship failures

·         Past trauma

·         Regret

·         Trust Issues


How does this impact your daily life?

How does it impact your relationships?

Do you worry about what others think because you are struggling internally?

Do you hesitate to try new things because past hurtful comments make you doubt your abilities?

The burdens we carry can weigh us down, hindering our personal growth and inner peace. As a result, we may experience headaches, lose sleep, lack deep friendships, and feel unsettled because these issues have not been addressed or let go. It is essential to process our emotions, which may involve having uncomfortable conversations with others to work through these feelings.

Don’t agonize through avoiding the issue. Stop feeling burdened and unworthy and face it head-on to put it behind you.

When the load you are carrying is too heavy and will take time to process, find physical ways to relieve stress from your entire body.

  • Meditate

  • Plan an overnight retreat alone.

  • Splurge and get a massage

  • Take walks

  • Visit a park or lake; set up a seat and just observe your surroundings.

  • Watch a comedy

Focus on the present while looking forward, having faith in Jesus, and allowing room for your transformation.


Lord of Love,

You make my enemies scatter and my foes flee. You are my defender and dwelling place. You give abundantly even when I don’t deserve it. You offer to take my heavy load from me and make my burdens light. I am in front of you, broken with many flaws. I delight in you and sing your praises, for your power is mighty and awesome and gives me strength to look forward with healing and hope. I seek to delight in this transformation you have waiting for me with joy. Amen!


Lisa Stenger

Christian blogger, speaker and writer

Hope In Homelessness


Beloved Friend